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Oktober 2024
Advent, Weihnachten & Silvester
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P. KS Blue Luedde x Lioulin Blue Parrot

P. KS Blue Luedde x Lioulin Blue Parrot
49.95 EUR
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Displaying 1 to 9 (of 9 products) Result Pages:  1 
    Product Name+   Price 
Oncidium  Sharry Baby Ruby Doll
 Oncidium Sharry Baby Ruby Doll   14.95 EUR 
Oncidium Chiou Pin Yangtze
 Oncidium Chiou Pin Yangtze   14.95 EUR 
Oncidium Kutoo 'CT Little Cherry'
 Oncidium Kutoo 'CT Little Cherry'   14.95 EUR 
Oncidium Sepia Color Pure
 Oncidium Sepia Color Pure   12.95 EUR 
Oncidium Sweet Sugar CT Wide
 Oncidium Sweet Sugar CT Wide   14.95 EUR 
Oncidium Tsiku Maguerit Glory
 Oncidium Tsiku Maguerit Glory   14.95 EUR 
Oncidium Tsiku Maguerit Romantic Fantasy
 Oncidium Tsiku Maguerit Romantic Fantasy   14.95 EUR 
Oncidium Tsiku Marguerite CT Yearning
 Oncidium Tsiku Marguerite CT Yearning   14.95 EUR 
Oncidium Twinkle White Strong
 Oncidium Twinkle White Strong   14.95 EUR 
Displaying 1 to 9 (of 9 products) Result Pages:  1 
1) Preisangabe inklusive Umsatzsteuer zuzüglich Versandkosten, eventueller Nachnahmegebühr und eventuellem Mindermengenzuschlag.
2) Blühstark bedeutet, dass die Pflanze grundsätzlich blühfähig ist. Wann die Pflanze blüht, hängt von der Blütezeit der Pflanze ab.
Our specials of the month November
Blc. Hippodamia
 Blc. Hippodamia   19.95 EUR  12.95 EUR 
Dendrobium auriculatum
 Dendrobium auriculatum   9.95 EUR  7.95 EUR 
Epc. Rene Marquez x Rth. Free Spirit
 Epc. Rene Marquez x Rth. Free Spirit   12.95 EUR  9.95 EUR 
Holcoglossum subulifolium x P. teres
 Holcoglossum subulifolium x P. teres   12.95 EUR  9.95 EUR 
Jacquiniella equitantifolia
 Jacquiniella equitantifolia   12.95 EUR  7.95 EUR 
Phal. Dream Wedding
 Phal. Dream Wedding   19.95 EUR  12.95 EUR 
Phal. Golden Apollon
 Phal. Golden Apollon   19.95 EUR  12.95 EUR 
Phal. hieroglyphica 12er Topf
 Phal. hieroglyphica 12er Topf   19.95 EUR  12.95 EUR 
Displaying 1 to 8 (of 8 products) Result Pages:  1 
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01.Oncidium Twinkle White Strong
02.Oncidium Sharry Baby Ruby Doll
03.Oncidium Chiou Pin Yangtze
04.Oncidium Tsiku Maguerit Romantic Fantasy
05.Oncidium Tsiku Maguerit Glory
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Blc. Hippodamia

Blc. Hippodamia
19.95 EUR
12.95 EUR
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Thank you for the plants. The package is well-protected. The plants are in good condition, Coelogyne pandurata has a won ..
5 of 5 Stars!
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Paraphalaenopsis labukensis
Received two nice plants 20cm + on the clay. It will take so ..
5 of 5 Stars!